hinonga hangarau teitei me te hou

10+ Tau Te Wheako Hangahanga





He kaihanga koe, he kaihokohoko ranei?

He kaihanga professtioanl matou i roto i te rohe whakato wehenga hau.

He aha o hua matua?

Ko o tatou hua matua ko te wehenga hau cryogenic parakore teitei, PSA oxygen nitrogen generator, VPSA oxygen generator, iti-rahi wai hauota generator, whakamaroke hau kōpeke me te tātari rangi kōpeke.

He aha te wa tuku o to kaihanga hau?

Ko te tikanga 45 ra.

He aha o tikanga utu?

Ka whakaaetia te TT me te L / C.

He aha to painga?

Ka whakaratohia e matou te kounga pai, te utu pai, te ratonga i mua i te hoko me te ratonga muri-hoko.

Kei hea to tauranga tuku?

FOB Ningbo Shanghai ranei.

Me pehea te tiki utu tere?

Tena koa korero mai ki a matou te whakamahinga, te hua, te ma, te pehanga me etahi atu whakaritenga mo te tipu.

Ko o hua ka kaweake ki era whenua?

Ko o tatou hua ka kaweake ki Russia, Germany, United States, Indonesia, Myanmar, pakistan, Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan, Bangladesh, Malaysia, Brazil me etahi atu whenua.

Nau mai ki te whakarato taipitopito me te whiwhi whakautu e pai ana koe. Ka whakapā atu matou ki a koe!
